
Your age is 18 or 60+ easy for you to earn money from home.

Earn and get cash back by posting Ads in our website

By joining our site as a member, you automatically agree to these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Members who do not agree to any of these terms, should stop using our site/service and terminate their account immediately.

We are not responsible for any losses or damages of any kind arising out of the relationship between you and our site/program.

We have cheat trap links in the ads area that notify us on detection of such software. If you are caught using this kind of software, your account will be suspended.

Frequent violation of this term will result in termination of your account with us and all funds/earnings will be forfeited.

1. Pornography / Adult / or any related ads will not be accepted.

2. Ads that disgrace any Religion / Faiths / Beliefs / Culture / Race / person / animals or any other living creatures / our site / other site / other programs will not be accepted.

3. Ads with false / misleading claims will not be accepted.

Your account will be terminated if these type of ads are posted.

Our user will be paid according to the work. If any problen arise, user won't be able to process about any legal action, Because earning process is extra benefit. All problem will be solved through conversation.

We are not responsible about any payment and product problem between buyer and saleor .

We reserve the right to change these terms of service at any time without prior consent or notice.
